DAF/FAF Assistant stutter overcome stuttering

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DAF/FAF Assistant 1.1 for Windows

Теперь Вы можете получить DAF/FAF Assistant всего за 150 рублей!

Как получить DAF/FAF Assistant 1.1 for Windows:

  1. Скачайте программу
  2. Переведите 150 рублей на счет 4100175363293 в Яндекс.Деньги или $5 на счет в Webmoney Z874026031812
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Есть вопросы? Пишите на daf-faf-assistant@narod.ru

About DAF/FAF Assistant 1.1 for Windows

DAF/FAF Assistant is a software application that implements Delayed Auditory Feedback (DAF) and Frequency Altered Feedback (FAF) techniques on Windows computers. The application can be used by people having stuttering problem to control their speech fluency, increase their confidence level and develop the carryover fluency when the techniques are used on a regular basis.

DAF/FAF Assistant 1.1 for Windows stutter stuttering overcome

The software application implements Delayed Auditory Feedback and Frequency-shifting Auditory Feedback techniques. The application can be used by people having stuttering problem to control their speech fluency, increase their confidence level and develop carryover fluency when techniques are used on a regular basis.

List of features:

  • Delayed auditory feedback (DAF) delays your voice to your ears a fraction of a second. The application provides delay range from 40 to 220 milliseconds. The delay increment step is 10 milliseconds. A short delay (50-80 milliseconds) almost instantly reduces stuttering without changing the speech speaking rate. A longer delay (90-220 milliseconds) makes you stretch your vowels and talk slower. This can help with even severe stuttering, but requires training, mental effort, and may sound abnormal. Actual DAF delay can vary due to hardware differences.
  • Frequency Altered Feedback (FAF) shifts the pitch of your voice. The application provides the pitch shift in the range from one-half octave down to one-half octave up. The FAF enhances the effectiveness of the application when is used simultaneously with DAF.
  • Additional frequency shifting algorithm (Fast FAF option). The standard FAF algorithm provides best sound quality but it requires a powerful processor. The Fast FAF option when enabled turns on the simplified frequency shifting algorithm that can work better on less powerful computers.
  • The application saves the configured settings when it is closed and restores them when it is restarted.
  • The Auto Start feature when enabled will start the sound playback immediately after the program starts. You can assign a Windows shortcut key to the DAF/FAF Assistant application and start the DAF/FAF by pressing a single shortcut key.
  • The application can run in the background or in minimized state allowing you to work in another programs while you are using DAF/FAF.

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